Don Carlos de Molina and Sánchez, Master of the very Illustrious and Restless University Tuna of the District of Murcia, already takes a time insisting that very illustrious and villain good walkers had the intention of naming Grand Master of V International Music Festival "Barrio del Carmen", to celebrate in the middle of July - god takes us confessed if they continue these heats - of the year of the Master of 2001.

Before his insistence, I walked pondering what my merits might be to be worth of so honorable charge, and had not just met on them. It would be, I thought, like gratitude for having invited them to a few beer faces in El Corte Ingles owing to the Day of San Valentín, although me thing was taking a fancy small for such a distinction. Or it might be that they had found out that in my young years, being a Right student, I resided in the School Biggest "Ruiz de Alda", Carmelite up to the marrow, where I amused myself with the tuna of this university institution giving the band of street musicians for the streets of the Quarter, with permission of the governor of shift. Yes, of the shift governor. Because in those years it was necessary to ask for permission to the civil governorship in a few instances that were ending with the familiar one and always hypocritical phrase of "it is a grace that we hope to obtain of V.I., that God keeps many years". The governor in question did not have to see it very clear, because he was always asking:" And does this small boy continue with you and somewhat esmirriado of Farmhouses, which the bandurria touches so badly?". My partners had to bend the head and say to him, so that it should grant to them the permission, which they had thrown to me, and fully deservedly also, the previous week. Then, they were placing me in the middle of them so that I could not meet. Those were a few years of happy remembrance, under the chief's baton of Paco Cremades, today the director of the School of Tourism.

This appointment of Grand Master of the International Music Festival "Barrio del Carmen" makes me long for an unconcerned and happy time. Since it does it to me to remember the bandurria that my father gave me and that has already forgotten me to touch. I wish him to the International Music Festival "Barrio del Carmen" long life. And to dear Barrio excellently: what a lot of dirty tricks spent for his streets the veteran ventajistas to me in my beginner stage in "Ruiz de Alda"! - happy holidays.
Cristina Rubio PeiróArturo Andreu
Chief of PP.RR. of El Corte Ingles of Murcia