The International Music Festival "Barrio del Carmen" already fulfills his fifth edition. One more summer comes to flood with music our streets and hearts, dressing in a special coloring the Holidays of the Quarter of Carmen. The tunos give themselves appointment in the Quarter to sing to Murcia, to extoll the holiday, and fill the streets and squares with his sones, layers, tapes and guitars, courting the murcianas. The Barrio is, one more year, the stage in which the layers, tapes and tambourines are thrown and there is exhibited the feeling of tunas formed by men and women who come from distant Universities, sing to us and make us enjoy his music and dances.

Like murciana and since Carmelite it fills with pride me to show in this edition the Godmother's charge of the Music Festival, for designation of the very Illustrious, Glorious and Restless University Tuna of the District of Murcia, because it is a question of an event that year after year reinforces with major quality and local participation. In every edition it has been consolidating his extract and his magic and has obtained the recognition of the murcianos. Our holidays have with him a golden brooch.

That's why I want to invite our neighbors to to take part one more year in this dear Music Festival, which is part of the festive spirit of the city. During the days in which the Contest is celebrated, the university students of the most varied corners bring to us different sounds, which at the same time us are familiar. It is music of another time and of other grounds, which wrap up and take in the air the happiness of these days.

In this edition, in which the honorable task has been entrusted me to represent to the Music Festival, this councilwoman will keep on putting on his part to help to do of this holiday the big contest that has managed to be, and to promote it inside and out of our city. With this message not only I want to cheer up the murcianos whom they inform in this event, but also be grateful to the participants for his effort and dedication. This way it is achieved that every year the edition excels itself in beauty and splendor. There is no doubt that that of 2001 will be very special.
Cristina Rubio PeiróCristina Rubio Peiró
Adviser of Work of the Region of Murcia